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Compiled by authors listed above in the...
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For a variety of conceptual, historical, and...
Barsh, R. (2002). Netukulimk Past and Present: Míkmaw Ethics and the Atlantic Fishery. Journal of Canadian Studies, 37(1), 15-42.
Míkmaq began to sell their furs to Europeans more than four centuries ago, while contending...
Barsh, R. (1994). Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples: Social Integration or Disintegration? Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 14(1), 1-46.
Although Canada ranks highest in the world on the United Nations “Human Development...
Barsh, R. (1995). Indigenous Peoples and the Idea of Individual Human Rights. Native Studies Review, 10(2), 35-55.
Many Indigenous leaders have argued that international human rights norms should not be applied to...