Paul, S. (1985). Indian Health Service Directory. Membertou, NS: Union of Nova Scotia Indians: Mi'kmaq Health Commission.
CBU/MRC: Pam#245 MRC 2003-245-1808
Compilation of health services in...
Paul, S. (1985). Indian Health Service Directory. Membertou, NS: Union of Nova Scotia Indians: Mi'kmaq Health Commission.
CBU/MRC: Pam#245 MRC 2003-245-1808
Compilation of health services in...
Battiste, M. (1982). Introduction to Micmac History. In J. Y. Henderson (Ed.), The Mi'kmaq State Papers. Membertou, NS: Union of Nova Scotia Indians.
Battiste, M. (1979). History of Micmac people. In J. Y. Henderson (Ed.), Secular Ilnapskuk. Membertou, NS: Union of Nova Scotia Indians.