Battiste, M. (Director, Apamuek Institute), Henderson, J.Y. (Sákéj) & Barsh, R. (1986). Mi'kmaq treaty renovation (Report prepared by the Apamuwek Institute developed for the Mi'kmaq Grand Council, the Union of Nova Scotia Indians and the Native Council of Nova Scotia). Unpublished Manuscript, Mi'kmaq Resource Centre, Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia.
Proposal for the establishment of an independent advisory commission on the Treaty of 1752 to correct the Department of Indian & Northern Affairs Canada's historical discrimination against the Mi'kmaq, based on the Simon Decision. Looks at discriminatory IANC funding practices, the constitutionality of treaty rights, restitution to the Mi'kmaq based on Canada's legal order, and "treaty renovation" and "territorial reconciliation" of the Mi'kmaq. Includes schedule of goals, mode of work, and budget estimate for setting up a treaty commission. Has section on outline for territorial reconciliation process in Appendix.