Battiste, J. (2008). Understanding the progression of Mi'kmaw law. Dalhousie Law Journal. Vol 31 (2) p. 311-350
The author focuses on the progression of Mi'kmaw Law, drawing on the original teachings of the Mawiomi...
Battiste, J. (2008). Understanding the progression of Mi'kmaw law. Dalhousie Law Journal. Vol 31 (2) p. 311-350
The author focuses on the progression of Mi'kmaw Law, drawing on the original teachings of the Mawiomi...
Battiste, J.Y. (Ed). (2010). Honouring 400 years Kepmite'tmnej. Eskasoni, Nova Scotia: Mi'kmaq Grand Council, Eskasoni First Nation (Culture/Recreation and Youth) & the Nova Scotia Tripartite Forum on Education.
149 pp....
Hipwell, W., Battiste, J.Y., Chen, Y.F., Chi, C.C., Johnson, P., Simon, S. & Tudaw, I. (Sin YongGuo). (2008). The Aboriginal sustainability network: Post-workshop report. Taiwan Journal of Indigenous Studies, 1(1), 107-167.
Henderson, J. (Sa'ke'j) Y. & Battiste, J. (2013). How Aboriginal Philosophy Informs Aboriginal Rights. In Sandra Tomsons & Lorraine Mayer (Eds.), Philosophy and Aboriginal Rights. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.