Battiste, M. (2009). Constitutional reconciliation of education for Aboriginal peoples / La réconciliation constitutionnelle des Autochtones et leurs droits éducationnels. Directions, 5(1), 81-84.
Battiste, M. (2009). Editorial commentary: Systemic discrimination against Aboriginal Peoples. Justice as Healing: A Newsletter on Aboriginal Concepts of Justice. 14(2), 1-3.
permission granted to use cover image, Justice as...
Battiste, M. (2001). Beyond diversities and singularities: Aboriginal students and education. The U of S Pointer: Teaching and Learning Centre Newsletter, 4(3), 1-5.
Published by the University of Saskatchewan, Gwenna Moss...
Battiste, M. & Henderson, J.Y (Sákéj). (1995). The Medicine circle & cognitive imperialism. Unpublished manuscript, Mi'kmaq Resource Centre, Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia.
CBU/MRC - Report #640 MRC...
Battiste, M. (1994, August 17). People of the dawn. The keepers of the Eastern Door. [Paper presented to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples]. Unpublished Manuscript, Mi'kmaq Resource Centre, Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS.
...Henderson, J.Y. (Sákéj), Barsh, R., Johnson, P., Battiste, M., Denny, A, Marshall, M., & Chisholm, P. (1993). Mi'kmaq dialogue: Cognitive renewal. Unpublished transcript held at the Mi'kmaq Resource Centre, Cape Breton University...
Battiste, M. (1993, August). Annie Battiste: A Mi'kmaq family history. Cape Breton's Magazine, 64, 23-42.
CBU/MRC - Article #251 MRC 99-251-981
Life story of Annie Battiste (née Lewis) of Chapel Island, N.S. as told to her...
Battiste, M. (1992). Indigenous epistemology in modern thought and education. Occasional paper for the Mi'kmaq Resource Centre. Unpublished manuscript, Mi'kmaq Resource Centre, Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia.
Battiste, M., Barsh R. & Henderson, J.Y. (Sákéj). (1991). Mi'kmaq references. Unpublished manuscript, Mi'kmaq Resource Centre, Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia.
Compiled by authors listed above in the...
Battiste, M. & Watson, J. (1989, July/August). Conversations on Cape Breton minority cultures: Fighting to stay alive. New Maritimes, 7(6), 16-19.
Mi'kmaq and Gaelic speakers discuss efforts to preserve their culture and language...