Marshall, L.B. (2004). Mi'kmawe'l Knukwatiknn Aqq T'an Kesi Nutmkl/Mi'kmaw alphabet and the core sounds [in Mi'kmaq]. Potlotek, Nova Scotia: Etli Mawa'tasik Mi'kmawey/Potlotek School Board.
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Marshall, L.B. (2004). Mi'kmawe'l Knukwatiknn Aqq T'an Kesi Nutmkl/Mi'kmaw alphabet and the core sounds [in Mi'kmaq]. Potlotek, Nova Scotia: Etli Mawa'tasik Mi'kmawey/Potlotek School Board.
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Marshall, L., & Boudreau, L. (1983, August). St. Ann's Day Mission, Chapel Island. Cape Breton's Magazine, 40, 31-43.
CBU/MRC - Article #165 MRC 99-165-866
Article URL: ...
Marshall, M. (1997). Values, customs and traditions of the Mi’kmaq nation. In R. Joe and L. Choyce (Eds.), The Mi’kmaq anthology (pp. 51-63). Lawrencetown Beach, NS: Pottersfield Press.
286 pp.
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